The practical purpose of this diagnosis tool is to collect quantitave onboarding and offboarding data to evaluate the potential risks of startups that want to get into real business life. It is developed to be filled by users, but interpreted by advisors or consultants. The tool is basically oriented to analyse their „white“ entrepreneurial skills and identify big risks linked to their entrepreneurial project and it is focused on anyone who wants to start an activity or launch a new business.
In practice, the tool is used to measure progress during mentoring sessions, e. g. at the starting of creation of the business plans and its finalization or before and after acceleration programs.
The tool is defined and described by 15 questions – split into 6 basic categories providing a better understanding of self-entrepreneur core capabilities, strengths and weaknesses.
The categories are: Individual requirements, Conditions for conducting business, Product assumptions, Customer knowledge, Marketing, and Legislation.
In the following lines, the diagnostic tool will be introduced first, followed by instructions to the beginning entrepreneur for completing the tool and instructions to the advisor or consultant for providing feedback.
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